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Business: It all makes good Business Sense

It’s Good Business and THE RIGHT THING TO DO

In the creative realm of internships, there's a notorious beast that needs taming - unpaid internships. In Australia, these are not just frowned upon - they're outright illegal. If an intern is carrying out tasks typically handled by a paid employee, they unquestionably should be remunerated for their work. It's not merely about ethics, it's law. For more on this, visit the Work experience & internships section on the Fair Work website.

Never Not Recorded: Forms For your Internships

We understand managing a business is like juggling; there’s many balls in the air at any one time. Taking on an intern can seem like just one extra ball to manage, but with our help the positives will far outweigh the negatives.

How Can I Put It In to Practice?
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Programs: Methods that work

Never Not a way in: An NNC Internship Program

We understand managing a business is like juggling; there’s many balls in the air at any one time. Taking on an intern can seem like just one extra ball to manage, but with our help the positives will far outweigh the negatives.

Never Not Learning: A Role Play For your Students

We know you're passionate about providing students with the best educational outcomes while preparing them for the real world. Unfortunately ours is a tough industry: a world where free pitching and working-for-free is still prevalent. Get in touch to find out more about our role plays.

but do they work
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These Tools will help you create fair and sustainable Internships,  and build a better industry

These Minimum Standards are our biggest resource Sign them NOW!

Even if you’re not in a position to take on an intern, you can make a difference. Peer group pressure lives … by joining our community of businesses making the pledge to deliver the bare minimum of paid internships, you can help pressure those who exploit and take advantage of graduates.

And grads, if you’re searching for an internship, check out the list of those who have already signed.

Be prepared, be reasonable, pay fairly and understand your responsibilities. The Minimum Standards were developed by the Internships Change Group with expertise and advice provided by Interns Australia.

All you need to do is visit the standards and sign.

And we’ve developed a fully self-guided internship program. We’ve got guides, resources and tools aimed to help bust the myth that interns cost money and time. They’re free and ready to adapt and use.

Maybe you’re an intern looking for an opportunity?  Scroll down check out the list of signees or get on the front foot and come ready with your own internship program for any employer that you choose.

want to see who has signed?
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