Over 500 people from the creative, media and marketing industries shared their experiences with empathy.
read the reportRead about the team behind the Different Shoes project and what’s planned beyond the research.
We’re teaming up with agencies and businesses to share how empathy comes to life at work.
comming soonHypotheses
There are too few leaders in our industry that understand and practice empathy effectively enough for it to result in healthy levels of mental wellbeing.
The higher the levels of empathy throughout an organisation, the more likely the ability of that organisations work to connect with the audiences they’re trying to reach.
The client/agency dynamic is a major source of the lack of empathy and understanding that exists in our industry.
Empathy can be measured using four domains of individual psychology: Personality, Emotions, Biases, and Intentions.
Leaders believe empathy is soft and fluffy. Not an essential business skill.